Directed by Antoine Fuqua and starring Denzel Washington, “The Equalizer 3” marks the conclusion of the action-packed trilogy loosely based on the television series of the same name. While it delivers on certain aspects, it falls short in others, but it is a good finish of the trilogy after the more disapointing second part.


“The Equalizer 3” presents a decent storyline, with Robert McCall once again at the center of events, battling Italian gang bosses in pursuit of justice. However, the portrayal of the villains lacked some depth, failing to pose a significant challenge to McCall. While the action sequences are engaging, the overall lack of threat diminishes the impact of the plot. But I really enjoyed the character and the scenery of Sicily making it a enjoyable atmosphere throughout the movie.


Denzel Washington delivers another great performance as Robert McCall, showcasing his trademark charm and charisma. Despite the weak characterization of the villains, Washington’s portrayal remains compelling, with McCall’s introspection and self-reflection adding depth to his character.


The film excels in its depiction of Italian scenery, enhancing the overall atmosphere. The action sequences are well-executed, although limited in duration, and the violence adds to the intensity of McCall’s mission. The cinematography captures the beauty of Sicily, providing a visually stunning backdrop for the narrative.


While “The Equalizer 3” falls short in terms of action compared to its predecessors, it still manages to offer a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. Despite its shortcomings, it surpasses the disappointment of the second movie and maintains entertainment value throughout.


The film benefits from stunning visuals, particularly in its portrayal of Sicilian landscapes. The Italian scenery enhances the atmosphere, contributing to the overall experience. While the music complements the action, it may not be particularly memorable.


While the action is limited, “The Equalizer 3” maintains a pleasant running time of under two hours, ensuring that it remains engaging. Despite its flaws, it offers an entertaining conclusion to the trilogy, leaving me mostly satisfied with the overall experience.


Overall, “The Equalizer 3” serves as a solid concluding chapter to the trilogy, offering entertainment value and closure to fans of the franchise. While it may not reach the heights of the first installment, it surpasses the disappointment of its predecessor and delivers an enjoyable experience overall.

Rating: 3 out of 5.
Trailer – Equalizer 3

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