Garry Marshall’s “Pretty Woman” is a classic romantic comedy that captivated audiences with its charming story and characters. While it may indulge in some clichés, its undeniable appeal lies in its fairy tale-like narrative and the chemistry between its leads.


“Pretty Woman” offers a fantasy romance drama that delights viewers with its iconic scenes and enchanting storyline. While the plot may be a bit far-fetched, it succeeds in entertaining and captivating audiences with its well-told story and memorable moments.


Julia Roberts shines as Vivian, portraying the lovable character with undeniable charm and charisma. The chemistry between Roberts and Richard Gere is very good, adding depth to their characters’ relationship.


The film features excellent camera work and direction, with standout scenes like the opera house sequence adding visual appeal to the narrative. The attention to detail in capturing the rich scenery enhances the overall viewing experience.


“Pretty Woman” is a romantic comedy that appeals to fans of romance and comedy alike. While it may lean into Hollywood clichés, its portrayal of love as a fairy tale endures as a timeless classic.


The iconic soundtrack, including the titular song, adds to the film’s trademark and leaves a lasting impression and earworm. The rich scenery and elegant settings further immerse viewers in the glamorous world of the characters.


“Pretty Woman” proves to me to be an entertaining and enjoyable film from start to finish. While the storyline may lacked a bit of more depth, the likable characters and humorous moments ensure a delightful movie experience.


Overall, “Pretty Woman” is a charming and romantic film and I think has a timeless appeal. Whether you’re a fan of romance or comedy, this movie offers a delightful escape into a world of fantasy and romance.

Rating: 4 out of 5.
Trailer – Pretty Woman

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